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【WS③】GLAP1 “How Do You Think About “Diversity”?
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【WS③】GLAP1 “How Do You Think About “Diversity”?

On June 21, 2014, GLAP1 students took the 3rd workshop, that is about “Diversity”.

The lecturer was Dr.Yuichi Kondo who teaches at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU). APU is known to have the highest rate of international students, and APU is Junten’s affiliated school.  

Here are the reports about the workshop written by the GLAP 1 students:

[From Student Reports]

The workshop was about Diversity and Dr.Yuichi Kondo from APU was the teacher. In the workshop, we imagined the situations in which we have friends, relatives, neighbors, foreign residents, Islamic extremists, gays in our neighborhoods, and we had group discussions about how similarly or differently we would interact with them.


We don’t use the word “diversity” in our daily life, so we hadn’t had opportunities to think about diversity. I felt that there are people who have different views from mine and how challenging it is to accept diversity. In globalization and interacting with people from different countries, it is natural to have differences.


I think it is important to understand it and respect others. My classmate asked me in the class, “what would you do, if people didn’t try to understand each other?” In such situation, it would be more difficult to understand each other, but I think that by showing that you are trying to understand the person and not only what he/she is thinking but to understand their backgrounds and feelings are very important. In the workshop, I learned that it is necessary to have a wide view to solve problems in the world.

